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Regional Studies Association 2012 annual conference
作者:佚名 文章来源:中科院地理所 点击数:2481 更新时间:2011-12-10 18:17:29


RSA Global Conference 2012

Sustaining Regional Futures

Date: 24th - 27th June 2012
Venue: Beijing, China

For the first time, the Regional Studies Association annual conference is being held outside Europe and is being organised with our partner, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, around the theme of 'Sustaining Regional Future'.

Papers on governance, city-regions, spatial planning and analysis which may look at the position in China but which may focus elsewhere are most welcome. Debate and discussion, contrast and comparisons are essential to the success of Regional Studies Association conferences and to academic endeavour. Critical analyses and sharing of experiences in all these topic areas will ensure the Beijing conference achieves the aims that the Regional Studies Association and its partners have set out for it.


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