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作者:佚名 文章来源:中国区域科学协会 点击数:2777 更新时间:2013-11-10 13:00:58

Call for Papers

3rd International Workshop on Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China


June 6-7 (Friday-Saturday), 2014

Shanghai, China

China Center for Economic Studies, Fudan University

Annals of Regional Science

Journal of Regional Science

Papers in Regional Science


We are pleased to announce that we are organizing the 3rd “International Workshop on Regional, Urban, and Spatial Economics in China” on 6-7 June, 2014 at China Center for Economic Studies (CCES), Fudan University in Shanghai, China. The objective of this workshop is to increase the visibility of regional economics, urban economics, and spatial economics in China and to develop a stronger research network for top level Chinese scholars. We welcome submissions on any research issues on regional, urban, and spatial economics in China including on the following topics: 


Investment and regional development

Labor market and inter-regional, rural-urban migration

Urbanization and urban development

Regional disparities and coordinated development

Agglomeration and New Economic Geography

Sprawl and environmental issues

Environmental and sustainable development

Papers enriching understanding of urban, regional and spatial economics in China

For those who are interested in presenting a paper in the workshop, please submit a draft of a paper or an abstract (paper draft preferred), in English, to ccesconference@fudan.edu.cn by 1 March 2014. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 1 April 2014 and a complete paper is expected by 15 May 2014.


The workshop will bring together about 40 participants from China and abroad. Each presentation will be about 30 minutes in length with time for questions and discussions to provide constructive feedback for presenters. There will also be opportunities for authors, editors and scholars to interact, network and explore the possibility of developing joint research. After the workshop, attendees will have the opportunity to submit their papers for special issues in Annals of Regional Science. If there are enough high-quality papers, we may find another outlet for publication. Editors with Papers in Regional Science, Journal of Regional Science welcome your submissions for papers that better fit those journals. Those papers would be treated as general submissions by those journals.


There is no registration fee for attending the conference, while the participants need to pay their own cost of accommodation and transportation.


If you need further information about the workshop, please do not hesitate to contact Zhao Chen (zhaochen@fudan.edu.cn).


The Scientific Committee: 

Marlon Boarnet, University of Southern California, USA (and Co-Editor of Journal of Regional Science)

Anping Chen, Jinan University, China

Zhao Chen, Fudan University, China

Edward Coulson, Penn State University (and Co-Editor of Real Estate Economics)

Jouke Van Dijk, Groningen University, Netherlands (and Associate Editor of Journal of Economic and Social Geography and Editor of Springer Regional Science Book Series Advance of Spatial Science)

Alessandra Faggian, Ohio State University, USA (and Co-Editor of Papers in Regional Science)

Henk Folmer, Groningen University, Netherlands (and Managing Editor of Letters in Resource and Spatial Sciences)

Canfei He, Peking University-Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy, China

Janet Kohlhase, University of Houston, USA (and Editor of Annals of Regional Science)

Ming Lu, Fudan University, China

Philip McCann, Groningen University, Netherlands (and Co-Editor of Spatial Economic Analysis)

Mark Partridge, Ohio State University, USA (and Managing Co-Editor of Journal of Regional Science)

Takatoshi Tabuchi, University of Tokyo, Japan (and Co-Editor of Papers in Regional Science)

Jun Zhang, Fudan University, China

Siqi Zheng, Tsinghua University, China




文章录入:古月    责任编辑:jiangyue 
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