1. Economic History and Economic Development: New Economic History in Retrospect and Prospect by Peter Temin #20107 (DAE DEV) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20107?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
2. Estimation of Affine Term Structure Models with Spanned or Unspanned Stochastic Volatility by Drew D. Creal, Jing Cynthia Wu #20115 (AP ME) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20115?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
3. Social Security Programs and Retirement Around the World: Disability Insurance Programs and Retirement - Introduction and Summary by Courtney Coile, Kevin S. Milligan, David A. Wise #20120 (AG) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20120?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
4. Is the Stock Market Just a Side Show? Evidence from a Structural Reform by Murillo Campello, Rafael P. Ribas, Yan Wang #20121 (CF DEV) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20121?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
5. The Economic Stimulus Payments of 2008 and the Aggregate Demand for Consumption by Christian Broda, Jonathan A. Parker #20122 (EFG ME PE) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20122?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
6. Pathways to Retirement and the Role of Financial Incentives in Sweden by Per Johansson, Lisa Laun, Marten Palme #20123 (AG) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20123?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
7. Accounting and Actuarial Smoothing of Retirement Payouts in Participating Life Annuities by Raimond Maurer, Olivia S. Mitchell, Ralph Rogalla, Ivonne Siegelin #20124 (AG) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20124?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
8. Small Victories: Creating Intrinsic Motivation in Savings and Debt Reduction by Alexander L. Brown, Joanna N. Lahey #20125 (AG PE POL) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20125?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
9. Costs and Benefits to Phasing Out Paper Currency by Kenneth S. Rogoff #20126 (ME) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20126?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
10. When Consumers Do Not Make an Active Decision: Dynamic Default Rules and their Equilibrium Effects by Keith M. Marzilli Ericson #20127 (IO LE PE) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20127?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
11. Has the Financial Crisis Permanently Changed the Practice of Monetary Policy? Has It Changed the Theory of Monetary Policy? by Benjamin M. Friedman #20128 (ME) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20128?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
12. Resource Concentration and Civil Wars by Massimo Morelli, Dominic Rohner #20129 (DEV POL) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20129?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
13. A Big Data Approach to Optimal Sales Taxation by Christian Baker, Jeremy Bejarano, Richard W. Evans, Kenneth L. Judd, Kerk L. Phillips #20130 (PE) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20130?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
14. Immigration, Search, and Redistribution: A Quantitative Assessment of Native Welfare by Michele Battisti, Gabriel Felbermayr, Giovanni Peri, Panu Poutvaara #20131 ( LS PE) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20131?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
15. The Behavioralist as Nutritionist: Leveraging Behavioral Economics To Improve Child Food Choice and Consumption by John A. List, Anya Savikhin Samek #20132 (HE) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20132?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
16. Very Long-Run Discount Rates by Stefano Giglio, Matteo Maggiori, Johannes Stroebel #20133 (AP CF EEE EFG ME PE POL) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20133?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
17. Interest Rates and Money in the Measurement of Monetary Policy by Michael T. Belongia, Peter N. Ireland #20134 (ME) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20134?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
18. Financial Education and Access to Savings Accounts: Complements or Substitutes? Evidence from Ugandan Youth Clubs by Julian C. Jamison, Dean Karlan, Jonathan Zinman #20135 (DEV LE LS) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20135?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
19. Two-Sided Heterogeneity and Trade by Andrew B. Bernard, Andreas Moxnes, Karen Helene Ulltveit-Moe #20136 (ITI) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20136?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
20. Financial Knowledge and 401(k) Investment Performance by Robert L. Clark, Annamaria Lusardi, Olivia S. Mitchell #20137 (AG) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20137?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
21. Matching Capital and Labor by Jonathan B. Berk, Jules H. van Binsbergen, Binying Liu #20138 (AP CF IO) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20138?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
22. Social Learning and Communication by Ariel BenYishay, A. Mushfiq Mobarak #20139 (DEV) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20139?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
23. More Insurers Lower Premiums: Evidence from Initial Pricing in the Health Insurance Marketplaces by Leemore Dafny, Jonathan Gruber, Christopher Ody #20140 (HC IO PE) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20140?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
24. A Model of Monetary Policy and Risk Premia by Itamar Drechsler, Alexi Savov, Philipp Schnabl #20141 (AP ME) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20141?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
25. Can Variation in Subgroups' Average Treatment Effects Explain Treatment Effect Heterogeneity? Evidence from a Social Experiment by Marianne P. Bitler, Jonah B. Gelbach, Hilary W. Hoynes #20142 (CH LS PE) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20142?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw
26. Export Destinations and Input Prices by Paulo Bastos, Joana Silva, Eric Verhoogen #20143 (ITI) http://papers.nber.org/papers/W20143?utm_campaign=ntw&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ntw